Okay...where to start...Troy is on his last month of school before summer! I can't believe we are already half way done! The time has flown by! I am so sad to be leaving my friends for the summer but excited at the same time to come back to MN and catch up with all my old friends! God has truly blessed me down there with some wonderful friends. One of which is Michelle, a friend from back home. Her husband Hector is a 2nd year, about to graduate. They will be moving to NYC in July for Hector to start a career in Investment Banking. Michelle has not only provided me with almost daily lunches/walks/shopping outings, she has also been a life saver a few times by watching Jack for us. We will miss both Hector and Michelle DEARLY next year!! Hopefully though, I will get to see NYC for the first time in my life soon since now I have built in tour guides! :-) Although we see them several times a week, we are always so casual about it that we haven't taken any pictures, so last week we finally captured a few with them!
This summer will be a bit busier than we expected. Although we couldn't be happier that Troy is working for McKinsey this summer, they have a jam packed schedule. He will be traveling Monday through Thursday and then in the Minneapolis office on Fridays. There are also a bunch of activities planned on the weekends which will be fun however I'm afraid the summer is going to be over before we know it!
I've been keeping busy while Troy is immersed in school work. Jack is so much fun...he loves to play with me on the floor, take walks, goof off on the bed and in the tub...he keeps me busy! Along with that, I get together with friends for breakfast, coffee, walks, lunch, etc. I am in the middle of taking my photo class, which has been great! I really feel like I know how to use our camera so much better now! I really love the mom's bible study that I've become part of...those women are such blessings in my life! They are full of wisdom, joy and are amazing prayer warriors!! This next week I am taking Jack to the Lincoln Park Zoo for the first time (first time to any zoo). I am even considering a season pass...I never thought I'd say that as I really don't like zoos. It's amazing what you'll do for your kids! :-)
Updates on Jack at 6 months...
- Sitting up - he can sit up on his own now! He started for a few seconds at a time right around his 6 month birthday but now can do it for several minutes at a time!
- Eating - huge milestone!! On his 6th month birthday we started him on rice cereal - he LOVES his rice cereal...every morning he is so excited for it! So far...he hates peas, dislikes bananas but loves green beans, carrots and squash! He needs to teach his daddy a lesson or two about eating his vegetables! :-) This week...we start apples!
- Thomas the Train books- his love for this blue train is growing each day. He sometimes even prefers Thomas over Elmo...who ever thought! :-)
- Teeth! - He got his two bottom teeth in at the end of April/beginning of May! Poor kid...and he hates Baby Motrin! He starts gagging as soon as he sees the medicine coming toward his mouth!
- Sleeping through the night...again - So around 4 months he started sleeping through the night but as soon as he could flip over that ended. Finally, now that he has learned to sleep on his stomach and isn't teething, he is sleeping through the night again! Hooray for Mommy and Daddy getting sleep again!!!
- Making Cards - with Daddy's birthday and Mother's day, Jack has gotten really good at "signing his name" and making footprints for cards!
- Baby Dedication - coming soon...we are having him dedicated at Grace Church on May 16th! We are so excited to publicly make this commitment to the Lord and to our family, friends and church!
- His Red Shapes Bucket - he is obsessed with taking the top off the bucket and emptying it entirely! He also loves just sucking on his shapes
- Size 3 diapers! - we had his 6th month check up and he is officially in the 25th percentile!!! He has never been above the 10th percentile...so this is BIG news!! He was about 15 1/2 pounds so now he's got to be about 16 pounds!
Enjoy the pictures!
Goofy kid... Drinking out of Mommy's cup...and proud of it!
Still loves the washcloth!
You can kind of see his teeth...
Another silly face!
About to try food for the first time...rice cereal, here we come!
"Not so sure about this Mommy..."
"Never mind...this isn't so bad!!"
Cutie Pie
Loves his foam bath letters
Some cute pictures Michelle took one day...
I LOVE this picture!!!
Giving Daddy his birthday card
Jack with Troy on his birthday
The big 27!
Michelle and Jack at the park
First time tasting carrots...but now he loves them!
Out with the Fernandez's...
Mother's Day!
My card...how sweet!
My gift...a picture collage...I wonder who will be in it!?!?
Sweet baby boy...we love him so much!
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